7/13/24 - Will Write for Cookies with Vivian Kirkfield
7/3/24 - Chelsea World of Books
6/10/24 - Interview with Darlene Beck-Jacobson
6/7/24 - First Draft Friday with Hollie Wolverton
6/3/24 - Kidlit Village interview with Cindy Mackey
5/29/24 - Picture Book Buzz with Maria Marshall
5/28/24 - 7 Questions with Erin Dealey
5/7/24 Storytime Sprint
5/5/24 - PB Spotlight with Brian Gehrlein
5/2/24 - Interview with Ellen Leventhal
4/26/24 - Chalk + Ink podcast with Kate Narita
4/23/24 - Interview with Laura Roettiger
4/22/24 - First Stories Blog with Heather C. Morris
4/15/24 - Grow your writing interview with Christine Alemshah
4/10/24 - Backmatter Breakdown with Judy Campbell-Smith
4/10/24 - PB Buzz with Maria Marshall
4/9/24 - Writers Rumpus with Carol Gordan Ekster
4/3/24 - Creator interview with Jlie Hauswirth
4/2/24 - Take 5 With Becky Walker
4/2/24 - You May Contribute a Verse podcast
3/29/24 - Kidlit Love Podcast w/Stephanie Affinto
3/18/24 - Interview with Mariana Rios Ramirez
3/11/24 The Little Press blog
3/7/24 - Reading With Your Kids podcast
3/2/24 - March on with Mentor Texts guest post
2/28/24 - Interview with Ryan Tahmaseb on Kidlit Kitchen blog
6/26/23 - Interview with author Patricia J. Murphy for Publisher's Weekly
4/13/22 - Interview with author, Lydia Lukidis on her blog, Blissfully Bookish
2/23/21- Interview with author, Kailei Pew on her blog, Tuesday From The Trenches
1/26/21- Interview with author and illustrator, Amanda Davis on her blog, Big Kids Writing for Small Kids